Book review: Wuthering Heights

Author: Emily Bronte
My rating: 6/5

Wuthering Heights has been my favourite book since my high school days. We had one chapter of the story in our English syllabus and that got me to read the entire novel. I was unable to let this book down till the last page. The first time I read it, I felt very very uneasy for a few days. I would think of the characters and the relationships all the time and I was even beginning to dream of the English Moores!

Written by Emily Bronte, this book is always compared to Jane Eyre written by her sister. I really do not know why as I just dont seem to see any similarity in them. Wuthering Heights is an absolutely heart wrenching dark love story. You can hate and love the characters at the same time.
The description of the moores and the 2 main houses (Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange) in the story leave a lasting impression on you. The story takes you into different generations and at the end you really feel like you've traversed through time along with the protagonists.

Catherine belongs to the Earnshaw family. Heathcliff, the central protagonist is an orphan brought into the family. Catherine and Heathcliff's relationship, their undisputed love for each other is soo well told, that it takes you to a totally different world altogether. Wuthering Heights is the name of the house they live in. Catherine betrays Heathcliff to marry Edgar from the Linton family for the sake of status and reputation. This breaks Heathcliff. The entire plot revolves around how he jumps back and the emotions within him that drive him to do crazy things. This lasts for the next 2 generations including Catherine's daughter.

The best part of the book is that the Yorkshire lands create a haunting and mystic atmosphere which plays a major role in bringing life to the book. Ever since I read this, I have always dreamed of going to England and the moore lands.

There is no thrill, mystery involved here. Its sheer dark romantic and frightful. The madness of Heathcliff and Catherine is etched out magnificiently. I loved the narrative form of the book and the way the events unfold. The entire story is told by Mrs Dean, Catherine's caretaker to Mr Lockwood who comes to stay at Thrushcross Grange.

There are few character creations that make history. I believe Heathcliff is one of them. Full of flaws and circumstantial cruelty, he demands a place among other famous characters.

This book is classic literature and definitely not worth missing.


beesinmybonnet said...

Ok! I have decided that this will be my next book. This time will try and finish it!

Tej said...

Good luck!